We are please to announce the we can now order our merchandise online. There are 2 options to pay, Direct Deposit and in person at the Club.
When you submit the form the Treasurer will receive a copy (if you select Direct Deposit he will forward the bank details) and a copy will go the the Ordering Officer (VK5GM).
We look forward to seeing more people wearing the Club Logo
Our Club has our First meeting on Friday 24th January.
Mick VK5MCH will presenting his home brew 100amp power supply, explaining the steps in construction. He has done a magnificent job and I am sure it will impress all. We kick off at the usual time of 7.30pm See you all there
Last Friday saw 10 people winding a 49:1 Balun and end fed antenna. We also had some small items for sale and to top the night we had a visitor Tom VK1CAT from Canberra, with our help he set up his portable radios. There was something for everyone. A great night , a special thankyou to Ian VK5CZ for his presentation on how to build the antenna an balun.
The poles are made of fibreglass 2mm thick. The rod diameter is 25mm and each pole is 1 metre long. The poles are screwed together using steel coupleings. The threaded portion is 31mm with the outer diameter of the steel coupling 34mm.
The lopper portion can be dismantled leaving a pulley to be attached at the top of the pole for hoisting the antenna and unun/balun.
Its a very strong pole when assembled. Using 2 or 3 extra poles you could get a decent 11/12 metre mast.
A guy ring could be be made from 1mm stainless steel to fit between the screwed sections. I can get these laser cut so everything is standard.
A big thankyou to all the NERC members that assisted in setting up our display at the the Volunteers Day at the Golden Grove Recreation and Art Centre. We had HF up and running, unfortunately the centre appears to be a Faraday Cage. We had several handheld running on simplex. A big thankyou to Darren VK5DP and Ross VK5WRP and his carer Gary VK5SIX for presenting showing the public that people with disabilities can become active in the hobby. Trevor VK5ATQ and Paul VK5PH set up Morse code. All in all an excellent day.
After a little wait we have our VK5RHO 2metre (VHF) repeater back online. You can access it by tuning your radio to 146.850MHz with a -0.6 MHz offset and a tone on your transmit of 91.5Hz.